SE ARREPENDA DAQUILO QUE VOCÊ É - Paulo Junior There had to be a payment for grace, but it was not free. And there.


Is a point where salvation can be said to be by works. Yes, by the works of Christ, that we may be saved. Another had to take our place, our sins, our guilt and pay for them. This here points to the fact that salvation is not meritorious and does not come.

Through works, otherwise there would be no need for Christ to die by grace. You are saved through faith, and this does not come from you, it is a gift from God. It does not come from works, so that no one can boast. The object of salvation is the Lamb of God..

The law of Moses says that to cover sin, an animal has to be sacrificed so that the blood of the animal expires. Snake, forgive sins. Christ comes, not a lamb, but a lamb, and sheds his blood for us..

Super expensive to be atoned for. He had to give a sin offering to cover our sin, and that offering was his son. If it is the son becoming a man, becoming a curse, becoming a sin..

And this is where you want to measure God’s love, His size? I’ll set an example so you won’t raise your hand. Let’s assume you love someone. Married women, husbands, married men, women, children, parents..

If you love this father very much, I love you if you love your husband very much, I love you if you love this mother very much. You get pregnant and you give birth to a cute little boy or girl..

You are both old and young. You love this father, this husband, so much that to help him, you take this three-month-old baby and sacrifice him. Do you have an idea?.

It would have to be a lot of love for you to take this child, your pure innocent of three, five months, two years. It’s the.

Only way you can save this father, your husband, this woman by giving up this baby’s life. And you love this man, this woman, this child that you give away so much. Did you understand?.

That’s what God did. He took his only son. The love was so great for these sinners that He offered his son, he gave him to be sacrificed. There’s an idea and little love..

That’s little love. And detail, would you give this baby.

    To a man who loves you, your husband, your son, your wife?

    God gave his son, it wasn’t to someone who loved him, it was to someone who hated him. You and I didn’t go to friends, it went to enemies, making the love even greater. That’s how big he is..

    Now, the condition of salvation for everyone who believes in Him. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son the origin of salvation. God, the cause of salvation, love, the extent of salvation, the world, the object of salvation, the Son. The intensity of salvation. In such.

    A way. The condition. Everyone who believes in him. Faith is the arm that receives God’s gift..

    Salvation Faith is the tool that appropriates the work. It’s free. By grace you are saved. Salvation by grace through faith. Faith is the arm that extends to God and says Give me salvation, give me..

    What is the condition? You have to believe, my brother, You have to believe. My brother, you who are here today are called to believe. My brother, you are the one who is dead in sin, you are the one who is backsliding,.

    You are the one who is doing everything wrong in secret. God is calling you to believe. Believe me, my brother, there is a difference here. Maybe you never learned what saving faith is. There are two faiths in the Bible. Faith is not the same. The faith you know, this faith belongs to R. Soares..

    The faith to heal a lump, the faith to have a home is not that faith. Oh, I believe it will work. It is not? This hope is positive..

    Faith here has the connotation of trust. I place the trust of my salvation in the one who is greater than me, in the one who is more just than me, in the one who is more good, more good than me. I place my trust in His merits, That saving faith..

    I trust that He is the Son of God, that He took my sins on the cross, that He paid for them and in this sacrifice I rest, I support my faith, my.

    Security, believe me, it is the result for whoever

    Believes in Him, no perish, but have eternal life. Mercy and grace to those who believe, do not perish, do not receive what deserves punishment, mercy and receive what does not deserve eternal life..

    Grace, grace and mercy available to whoever believes. This is how a man enters the life of someone here in this condition. Today Think again if it’s.

    Today, it’s his last day. How is his life? Are you a sheep or are you a goat? The wheat and the chaff? Virgin Born a virgin, prudent..

    I’m not saying how many years you’ve baptized or which churches you’ve been to here. That’s not it. You are a new creature. You have been born again, you have been regenerated. The Holy Spirit lives in you..

    You do works of righteousness, you have love for the truth, hatred for sin, hatred for the world, you live a pure life. If you came here without these characteristics, you don’t need to leave without them. God can grant you this today..

    How should you get to it? The prostitute came before him and confessed his sins at her feet. She repented and believed. The time is fulfilled. The kingdom is at hand. Repent and believe..

    Go before him. Confess your sins. I’m not good as I should be, fair as I should be. I said obey you, serve you. I looked at the moral law, the ten commandments and broke them all. I deserve punishment, but I regret being the woman.

    I was all these years, the man I was all these years. I regret. Look, biblical repentance is not regretting an act and a state, it is not regretting what you did, it is regretting.

    Who you are. It is not an isolated act to repeat what I did yesterday. I don’t regret it. The man I have been all these years is not regretting what you do is regretting what you are..

    Did you understand? You said I regret doing what a woman is. Yesterday I had it, yesterday nothing. No, I regretted it. Your husband, that I have always been the man I have always been..

    I regret my state. This idea repents, repents and according to faith, leans over that cross at her feet and says I believe, I believe that the Lord did what I could not do. If you do this and the Holy Spirit leads you today, it.

    Is not tomorrow. Today you are saved now, here in this cult, you pass from.

    Death to life. The Holy Spirit regenerates, you call you, close your eyes, bow your head. You will talk to God now, with..

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